Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator Training

The Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator (CCI) course was developed by former U.S. Federal Investigator and financial compliance executives. Training Support: trainingsupport@blockchaingroup.io

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Take all 5 modules and pass the final exam to earn the credentials of a Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator.   Crypto Investigator Module 1: Introduction to Cryptocurrency Crypto Investigator Module 2: The Bitcoin Trail Crypto Investigator Module 3: Cryptocurrency and the criminal element  Crypto Investigator Module 4: The Dark Web Crypto Investigator Module 5: Blockchain Forensics Final exam for CCI certification   Training Support: trainingsupport@blockchaingroup.io Read more

Take all 5 modules and pass the final exam to earn the certification of CCI-A: Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator Advanced.   Crypto Investigator Module 6: Advanced Cryptocurrency Concepts Crypto Investigator Module 7: Dex and Defi Crypto Investigator Module 8: Advanced Ethereum Course (CCI-E) Crypto Investigator Module 9: Hacks and exploits Crypto Investigator Module 10: Compliance and Risk Management Final exam for CCI-A certification   Training Support: trainingsupport@blockchaingroup.io Read more

CCI Master Crypto Investigations learning path The CCI Master Crypto Investigations learning path offers a comprehensive and dynamic learning path designed to equip you with the essential knowledge and expertise required to excel in the field of crypto investigations. This learning path consists of 10 modules + 2 Final Exams, each carefully crafted to provide you with a well-rounded understanding of the digital asset and crypto landscape. CCI Modules: Crypto Investigator Module 1:Introduction to Cryptocurrency Covers the basics of fiat, virtual and cryptocurrencies and how it is used in legal and illegal manners. Learn about the many different types of cryptocurrency. Lays the foundation for law enforcement, financial institutions and financial crimes investigators to gain a firm and vital understanding of what cryptocurrency is, how it works, and how it can be used in both legitimate and illicit activities. Crypto Investigator Module 2: The Bitcoin Trail Explores the most dominant cryptocurrency and how related criminal activity is investigated. Explores who invented Bitcoin, and the reasons why and how it is being used. Delves into cryptocurrency mining, common criminal schemes where bitcoin is used, and how Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance professionals and law enforcement investigate related criminal activity using advanced analytical tools. Crypto Investigator Module 3: Cryptocurrency and the Criminal Element Overview of the part of the internet commonly used by criminals and their criminal enterprises. Students learn of additional crimes where cryptocurrency is involved, how criminals use peer-to-peer exchanges and little-known real-world investigation tips. Crypto Investigator Module 4: The Dark Web Reveals the criminal element of cryptocurrency and how to identify and track the evidence left behind. Students are introduced to insights that are crucial to investigators, such as how dark web marketplaces and cryptocurrencies work together and how they translate into the physical world. Crypto Investigator Module 5: Blockchain Forensics Students enhance their ability to identify the proper investigative tactics related to crime involving cryptocurrency and gain an understanding of how blockchains work and the pseudo-anonymous nature of cryptocurrency, giving investigators the ability to efficiently and quickly analyze the data to spot illicit activity and/or support criminal investigations and prosecutions. CCI-A Modules: Crypto Investigator Module 6: Advanced Cryptocurrency Concepts  Designed for those with a foundational understanding of cryptocurrencies, this module covers advanced analysis of Bitcoin transactions, clustering methods, obfuscation techniques, and evolving protocols impacting Bitcoin. Crypto Investigator Module 7: Dex and DeFi This module provides a fundamental overview of decentralized finance (DeFi), describing key components, working products, and the rapidly evolving decentralized financial system. Crypto Investigator Module 8: Advanced Ethereum Course (CCI-E) Students gain a comprehensive understanding of the Ethereum network, covering its history, protocol, smart contracts, PoW vs. PoS, and Ethereum's role in DeFi. The module also includes Ethereum clustering techniques and a demonstration of Ethereum investigations using Blockchain Intelligence Group's QLUE™ platform. Crypto Investigator Module 9: Hacks & Exploits This module covers various attack vectors in the blockchain and crypto space, including phishing, social engineering, infrastructure attacks, and coding exploits. It also addresses best practices for self-custody and secure storage. Crypto Investigator Module 10: Compliance and Risk Management Focusing on managing risks associated with digital assets, this module provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and mitigating risks in the rapidly evolving world of blockchain and cryptocurrency. Read more

As the world evolves, technology has become an integral and critical part of our daily lives.  As a result, banking and financial markets must keep pace with technology advancements.  With the introduction of Bitcoin in 2009, distributed ledger technology, often referred to as blockchain, was introduced and has gained global adoption. Transactions are being initiated, processed, and received across many blockchains, which is very different from traditional banking. With the emergence of this new technology comes the need to understand the differences and thus manage the unique risks associated with it and the risks individuals and businesses that participate in this industry face.  This training is designed to provide a comprehensive guide to managing risks associated with digital assets. The guide is divided into ten parts, each covering different aspects of digital asset risk. Read more

Cryptocurrency, a digital payment system that functions outside of the traditional financial system, is a rapidly developing issue for law enforcement and financial institutions. Transacting in cryptocurrency creates the perception of elevated levels of confidentiality or pseudonymity. As this and other related innovations continue to gain a foothold in the economy, criminal exploitation of these systems and methods increases. With cryptocurrency now firmly entrenched in both domestic and international commerce, it is vital that law enforcement, financial institutions and financial crimes investigators have a firm understanding of what cryptocurrency is, how it works, and how it can be used in both legitimate and illicit activities. This is the first module in the Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator Course.   Training Support: trainingsupport@blockchaingroup.io Read more

Bitcoin, the first form of decentralized cryptocurrency, is the most dominant form of cryptocurrency for online transactions. In this course, we'll discover the origins of bitcoin and blockchain, discuss the infamous and intriguing Satoshi Nakamoto and describe the reasoning behind his desire for a decentralized currency. We'll explore the different types of cryptocurrency, mining, the double spend problem, 51% attacks and how to buy and use bitcoin. We'll also introduce some common criminal schemes where bitcoin is used.   Training Support: trainingsupport@blockchaingroup.io Read more

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